Loading animation screens

App Concept - The app is designed to notify the user of passage of time, through user specific push notifications, and a visual metronome accessible through the app.
App Design - This was a first foray into the world of interaction design, and combined engaging but functional forms of user interaction. The representation of the passage of time is not only the end goal that the user aims for on the app, but is also visually shown through shapes and symbols as the user progresses through the loading screens.
Visual Metronome - The main goal of the app is the visualise the passage of time. This is done through motion design, combining shapes and colour to break down time into 1 second intervals over a period of 60 seconds. The 60 second loop provides a state of focus and calm as it changes with the movement of time.

Onboarding screens

Metronome Screens

Prototype Walkthrough

Work created for projects directed by University of Leeds. Alice Houldcroft 2020 ©

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